Gaming Monitor

How to care and clean a monitor Gamer

Un monitor gamer es una inversión importante, por lo que es importante cuidarlo adecuadamente para que dure muchos años. Aquí tienes algunos consejos sobre cómo hacerlo:

Monitor Gamer

Cómo cuidar un monitor gamer

1. Límpialo regularmente

El polvo y la suciedad pueden acumularse en la pantalla de tu monitor gamer y hacer que se vea borrosa o con manchas. Para limpiarlo, usa un paño de microfibra limpio y húmedo. No utilices limpiadores agresivos o productos químicos, ya que pueden dañar la pantalla.

2. Evita colocar objetos pesados encima

No coloques objetos pesados encima de tu monitor gamer, ya que esto puede dañar la pantalla o el soporte.

3. No lo exponga a la luz solar directa

La luz solar directa puede dañar la pantalla de tu monitor gamer. Si lo vas a colocar cerca de una ventana, asegúrate de que esté bien protegido de la luz solar.

4. Mantén la temperatura y la humedad controladas

Las temperaturas extremas y la humedad alta pueden dañar los componentes internos de tu monitor gamer. Intenta mantener la temperatura ambiente entre 15 y 25 grados centígrados y la humedad relativa entre 40 y 60%.

5. Desconecta el monitor cuando no lo estés usando por mucho tiempo

Cuando no vayas a utilizar tu monitor por un periodo largo de tiempo, desconéctalo de la corriente. Esto ayudará a prolongar la vida útil de la pantalla y el resto de componentes.

6. Haz una actualización de firmware regularmente

Los fabricantes de monitores gamer suelen lanzar actualizaciones de firmware que pueden mejorar el rendimiento y la estabilidad del monitor. Para obtener la última versión de firmware, visita el sitio web del fabricante de tu monitor.

Siguiendo estos consejos, podrás cuidar tu monitor y hacer que dure muchos años.

Monitor AOC

Cómo limpiar un monitor gamer

El polvo y la suciedad pueden acumularse en la pantalla de tu monitor gamer y hacer que se vea borrosa o con manchas. Para limpiarlo, usa un paño de microfibra limpio y húmedo. No utilices limpiadores agresivos o productos químicos, ya que pueden dañar la pantalla.

Aquí hay los pasos para limpiar un monitor:

  1. Apaga tu monitor y desconéctalo de la corriente.
  2. Con un paño de microfibra seco, limpia la pantalla suavemente para eliminar cualquier polvo o suciedad sueltos.
  3. Si la pantalla todavía está sucia, humedece un paño de microfibra con agua destilada o agua con una pequeña cantidad de jabón suave. Evita usar agua caliente, ya que puede dañar la pantalla.
  4. Limpia la pantalla con el paño húmedo, usando movimientos suaves y circulares.
  5. Sécala la pantalla con un paño de microfibra seco.

Cómo evitar que tu monitor gamer se dañe

Hay algunas cosas que puedes hacer para evitar que tu monitor gamer se dañe:

  • No coloques objetos pesados encima del monitor.
  • No lo expongas a la luz solar directa.
  • Mantén la temperatura y la humedad controladas.
  • Cuando no lo estés usando, desconéctalo de la corriente.
  • Haz actualizaciones de firmware regularmente.
Monitor Gaming

Beneficios de cuidar tu monitor gamer

Cuidando tu monitor podrás disfrutar de los siguientes beneficios:

  • Una mejor imagen: un monitor limpio y libre de polvo y suciedad mostrará una imagen más nítida y con mejor contraste.
  • Una mayor duración: un monitor cuidado correctamente durará más tiempo que un monitor que no se cuida.
  • Un menor riesgo de daños: un monitor cuidado correctamente es menos propenso a sufrir daños por el polvo, la humedad, el calor o la luz solar.
  • Un mayor rendimiento: un monitor actualizado con la última versión de firmware tendrá un mejor rendimiento que un monitor que no esté actualizado.
  • Una mayor comodidad: un monitor bien configurado será más cómodo de usar, lo que puede reducir la fatiga visual y el dolor de cuello.

Siguiendo estos consejos, podrás cuidar tu monitor gamer y hacer que dure muchos años.

Si eres un gamer, es importante que cuides tu monitor gamer para que puedas disfrutar de los mejores juegos y tener una experiencia de juego más satisfactoria.

By typing in keyboard Gamer

How to care and clean a keyboard Gamer

Your keyboard gamer is one of the most important tools for your game-playing experience. It is what allows you to interact with the game and make it happen. That is why it is important to keep it clean and in good condition.

In this article, we will show you how to care for and clean your keyboard gamer to last for many years.

to clean a keyboard Gamer

1. Clean your keyboard regularly

The best way to prevent your keyboard from dirt too is to clean it regularly. This does not mean that you have to clean it every day, but you do need to do this at least once a week.

To clean your keyboard, you can use a damp cloth and a little mild soap. Do not use abrasive cleaners, as they may cause damage to the keys or the keyboard itself.

2. Shake your keyboard

Once you've cleaned your keyboard, you can shake it to remove any remaining residue. You can do it by holding the keyboard on a towel and then stirring gently.

3. Use a toothbrush

If there is any dirt or dust that cannot be removed with a damp cloth, you can use a tooth brush to clean it. Wet the toothbrush with water and a little mild soap, and then brush gently on the keys.

4. Use an air compressor

If there is any dirt or dust that is trapped beneath the keys, you can use an air compressor to clean it. Hold the air compressor to a few centimeters of the keys and turn it on. The high pressure air will clear any debris that is trapped beneath the keys.


5. Clean the keys removable

If your keyboard has keys removable, you can remove them and clean them separately. To clean the keys, you can use a damp cloth and a little mild soap. You can also use a toothbrush to clean them.

6. Use a solution of isopropyl alcohol

If your keyboard is very dirty, you can use a solution of isopropyl alcohol for cleaning. To make the solution, mix one part rubbing alcohol with two parts water. Wet a cloth with the solution and then clean the keyboard.

7. Let your keyboard to dry

Once you're done cleaning your keyboard, allow it to dry completely before using it again. You can let it air dry or you can use a hair dryer to speed up the process.

Tips on cleaning a keyboard Gamer

  • Avoid using abrasive cleaners, as they may cause damage to the keys or the keyboard itself.
  • Do not use hot water because that may damage the keyboard.
  • Do not immerse your keyboard in water, as this can damage the electronic components.
  • If you're not sure how to clean your keyboard, see the manufacturer's manual.

By following these tips, you can keep your keyboard gamer clean and in good condition for many years.

Clean keyboard Gamer
Why is it important to clean your keyboard gamer?

There are several reasons why it is important to clean your keyboard gamer. In the first place, a clean keyboard is more hygienic. The dirt and dust that accumulates on the keyboard can be a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. This can cause health problems, such as respiratory infections or skin infections.

In the second place, a keyboard cleaner works best. When the keyboard is dirty, the keys may be sticking or not responding properly.
This may make it more difficult to write and play games.
In the third place, a clean keyboard, it looks better. A keyboard clean and well cared for is more pleasing to the eye and can improve the overall appearance of your desktop.

How to clean your keyboard gamer? (Fast and simple)

To clean your keyboard gamer, you can follow these steps:
Unplug your keyboard from your computer.
Pulls out the keys on the keyboard.
Clean the keys with a damp cloth and a little mild soap.
Use a toothbrush to clean hard to reach areas.
Clean the body of the keyboard with a damp cloth and a little mild soap.
Use an air compressor to expel any debris that is trapped beneath the keys.
Let your keyboard to dry completely before using it again.

As cool a laptop

How to Cool a Laptop Gamer? 7 tips essential

The laptop has become an essential part of the life moderna. We use it for work, study, entertain and communicate. However, we often find ourselves with a common problem: the sobrecalentamient

or. A laptop that overheats can affect its performance and service life, and more important, you can harm your health. In this article, you will learn how to cool a laptop and avoid overheating.

Why overheated laptops?

Before we go into how to cool a laptop, it is important to understand why it overheated. There are several reasons for this, such as the design of the laptop, the location of the device, prolonged use, dirt and dust in the fans, among others. All of these factors can cause the laptop to overheat and become damaged.

Tips to cool a laptop

1. Use a cooling pad

A cooling pad is a device that is placed under the laptop to increase the flow of air and dissipate heat.

This is an effective solution for cooling a laptopespecially if you use it for long hours. There are different types of bases of cooling available in the market, and you can choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Cooling stand

2. Keep the laptop on a flat surface

It is important to keep the laptop on a flat surface and hard so that the air flow is not blocked. If you place your laptop on a soft surface such as a bed or a sofa, that can block the vents and cause the laptop to overheat.

In addition, if you use the laptop on your lap, this can block the vents and increase the temperature of the laptop.

3. Clean the fan and air ducts

With time, dust and dirt build up on the fans and air vents of the laptop. This can block the flow of air and cause the laptop to overheat.

It is important to clean the fans and air ducts regularly to keep the laptop cool. You can use a can of compressed air or a soft brush to clean the fans and air ducts.

4. Do not cover the fans

It is important to avoid not cover the ventilators of the notebook computer with items such as pillows, blankets or clothing.

This can block the flow of air and cause the laptop to overheat. It is important to ensure that the fans are free and able to expel the hot air.

Do not put in sheets or blankets

5. Close applications and unnecessary programs

The prolonged use of the laptop computer can cause the temperature to increase. It is important to close the applications, and the unnecessary programs to reduce CPU usage and prevent the laptop is sobrecal

6. Gives more space for the ventilation grilles succionen more air

Another aspect for me is of the best work, is that separate from the laptop of the platform where it is because this way the fans that have the here to take in more air and thus cool the equipment, this is very true when you have an external monitor, keyboard, and mouse connected in this way you can put the team up of a base to cool it better.

Detaches from base for you to breathe in more air

Frequently asked questions on how to Cool a Laptop

How long can I use my laptop before it overheats?

It depends on the brand and model of your laptop, as well as the use of des. However, it is generally recommended to not use your laptop for more than 4 hours in a row.

Is it safe to use a cooling pad?

Yes, it is safe to use a cooling pad.

Can I burn the processor of my laptop if it gets too hot?

Processors today already include insurance if this reaches a temperature of semi-dangerous switched off the laptop to avoid problems

What is the recommended temperature for a laptop?

In games it is best not to exceed 93° C / 199.4°F maximum, as in normal use that do not exceed 85° C / 185°F

Mouse Gamer Logitech Pro

How to take care of a mouse gamer: 7 useful Tips to maximize your life

A mouse gamer it is an essential tool for any serious player looking for the best gaming experience.

But do you know the proper care for your mouse gamer you can make a big difference in your life and performance? In this article, we will give you some useful tips to help you take care of your mouse gamer as a professional and make sure that it lasts a long time.

What is a mouse gamer?

Before we dive into the tips of care, it is important to understand what is a mouse gamer, and how is it different than a mouse common.

A mouse gamer is a type of mouse designed for PC gaming that offers greater precision and functionality that a standard mouse.

These mouse tend to have a greater number of buttons, the greater the DPI (dots per inch) and a higher refresh rate.

Mouse Gamer in grayscale

Tips for taking care of your mouse gamer

1. Clean your mouse regularly

The first step to taking care of your mouse gamer is keep it clean. As you use it, it is natural that dirt and dust to accumulate on the buttons and on the surface of the mouse. Regularly clean your mouse with a soft cloth and dry to prevent pooling of the dirt.

If you have problems to clean the difficult areas, use a cotton swab (also called swabs), cotton to reach the hard places one of the best ways of How to take care of a mouse gamer

2. Use a mousepad

The mousepad not only is it a way to customize your station game, but it also helps to protect the surface of your mouse gamer.

In addition, a mousepad can improve the precision of the mouse and its tracking ability, which translates into a better performance in games.

How to take care of a mouse gamer in your setup

3. Carry your mouse with care

If you need to transport your mouse gamer to another place, be sure to do so with care. Prevents throw it in a bag without protection, as this may cause damage to the buttons and the surface of the mouse.

Instead, use a carrying case or a hard case to protect it.

4. Configures the buttons correctly

Many mouse gamer feature the ability to customize the buttons according to your needs.

If you set up the buttons in the right way, you will be able to to avoid unnecessary wear on the buttons and prolong the lifespan of your mouse.

5. Adjusts the refresh rate

The refresh rate is the frequency with which updates the position of the mouse on the screen.

Adjust the refresh rate properly not only improve the precision of the mouse, but also reduce the stress on the internal components, which will result in a longer shelf life.

How to take care of a Mouse Gamer

6. Use a holster for your mouse

If you do not use your mouse gamer often, it is a good idea to save it in a holster for the mouse. This will prevent dust and dirt from accumulating on the surface of the mouse and reduce the risk of scratching or damage.

7. Avoid the use of chemicals

It is important to be careful with the chemicals you use to clean your mouse gamer. Some products can damage the components of the same, so that we recommend cleaning with a specialized product or a not very strong.


A Gaming Mouse it is not for life, but if we can make it last much of this if we give the care that is taking place, which is why we recommend you to follow these tips to improve the shelf life of one of the most important devices of your setup.